In My Personal Experience
ISSUE II Released February 26, 2021 — Written & Illustrated by Troi A. A. Speaks
2020: Upheaval
ISSUE II Released February 26, 2021 — The truth of the Black life experience has been silenced, but institutionalized horrors are being exposed. Despite a rapidly spreading pandemic & violence, documentarians have taken to the streets to provide visual proof of collectivity, solidarity and police brutality. The following pages display striking images and words capturing the Black Lives Matter movement in Dallas/Fort Worth. — Written & Photographed by Johnathan Johnson
Trans Genocide
ISSUE II Released February 26, 2021 — With the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, another has spiked: the murdering of trans folx. The dangers that the trans community faces go unrecognized, especially for trans Natives. We sat down with our good friend, Alex, who discusses how she’s had to figure things out for herself and shares how we can end transphobia & murder. — Interview with Alex Slim Photographed by Mark Baker-Sanchez
People of Color, Please Go to Therapy
ISSUE II Released February 26, 2021 — There are many factors contributing to unequal access to therapy but one which continues to hinder communities of color is seeing therapy as a taboo. Our friend, Zainab — an Indian American & hijabi Muslim woman — gives insight into her own journey with therapy, overcoming stigma, and reminding us that we control the plan. — Written by Zainab Shipchandler Illustrated by Mara Francesca Padilla
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