DONE IS A publication created for & by the underrepresented. Idealistic perceptions and social constructs are challenged by highlighting issues of discrimination, raising cultural awareness, and providing a presence for the unknown, forgotten & marginalized. Rather than merely telling stories, every ISSUE is an immersion of the times and seeks to define ways in which readers can empower themselves. Instead of choosing content uncritically, DONE operates from a human-centered & co-creative approach; looking directly to the community and their current needs at hand to inform what material is produced.
The magazine’s title originates from the personal feeling of being done — DONE conforming or acculturating to Eurocentric constructs in an effort to experience acceptance, happiness, success, etc. DONE operates as a vehicle providing marginalized voices a platform so they may not only feel heard, but actually be heard and find ways to empower themselves. A ladder to help anyone escape from the depths of social constructs. To elevate those who feel left behind to that of acknowledged & understood. Let’s challenge the status quo together. We are DONE. ■

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“Instead of waiting for a platform that provided space & authentic representation of myself as well as people like me, I started one.”
—Mark baker-sanchez
Founder, Editor-in-Chief & Creative Director, DONE The Magazine
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