IN AN ERA where things are increasingly feminized, men are pressured to remain masculine. If the future is female, what will this mean for men, specifically MOC with non-hetero preferences. The LGBTQIA2S+ movement has caused shifts in what is acceptable to wear. This has led to gender fluidity in clothing including short shorts and crop tops. Traditional workwear has also been challenged with more women in the professional arena and acquiring positions once male dominated.

“poc men are still critiqued harshly to be ‘masculine’ while any ‘feminine’ tendencies are put down; evidence that women are still seen as lower on the social scale.”

It is no longer limited to skirts or white button-ups. Apparel is colorful, comfortable and chic. Many prominent fashion houses are now run by women including Prada and Dior, suggesting men are no longer the sole definers of beauty — women are taking the reins of the design world. Fashion is changing and men are more openly wearing what may be considered fem but are judged. POC men are still critiqued harshly to be “masculine” while any “feminine” tendencies are put down; evidence that women are still seen as lower on the social scale. Not to suggest all queer men desire to wear heels or makeup but many do. They can’t be judged just as women can’t be looked down upon for wearing pants let alone rising to success in areas they were previously barred from succeeding in. A female future can help everyone feel empowered & less self-conscious. ■

Mark Baker-Sanchez is the founder & Editor-In-Chief of DONE. Aside from advocacy through design, he works as a Strategy & Design Coordinator for Jun Group and enjoys reading oversized coffee table books, geeking over typography, doing yoga and buying new trench coats. Find him on Instagram, LinkedIn & discover his portfolio here.